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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of STI, DCO, DC4, SXM, CZIP, CFE, BTOA, BNC, BMPENX

File Type:Sealed TIFF file
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:Sealed TIFF file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

The Unsealer is a free browser plugin that enables you to use sealed content. The content provider must also grant you appropriate permission for that content.

File Type:DisCryptor encrypted archive
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:File extension used by DisCryptor. File is encrypted archive.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  COSECT, Ltd.


DisCryptor® ENTERPRISE safeguards the virtual, hard and network disks using the most advanced encryption algorithms. Unnecessary data can be permanently removed using the data shredder. Virtual disks can be easily and quickly backed up or be transfered to a newly bought computers. The function of the travellers disk encrypts portable media (USB sticks and ZIP) or notebooks. DisCryptor® ENTERPRISE includes integrated tools for mass administration and instalation on wide networks. Transparent (invisible) operation for the everyday user with the possibilty of central key is also available.

File Type:ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder file
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:File with extension dc4 is related to a coded file that has been encrypted with (De)Coder. (DE)Coder is a file encryption application and provides high security. Files can be encoded and encrypted using a command line interface or using the program's drag and drop capabilities.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

(De)Coder is a file encryption program written by Daniel Marschall.

There are several features:

  • Multilingual support.
  • Progress detection and demolition reactions.
  • High safety standard.
  • Correctness of the user password is determined.
  • Command-line support.
  • Drag and drop support.
  • Context menu entry for files and folders - freely configurable.
  • Multilingual installer and Uninstaler to optimally in the system.
  • Protection against keyloggers.
  • Secure Delete, Safe Move, Direct Open.
  • Maximum Security.
  • Creating and managing file lists support.
File Type:Sealed XML document
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:File extension uses for sealed xml documents.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

The Unsealer is a free browser plugin that enables you to use sealed content. The content provider must also grant you appropriate permission for that content.

File Type:ZG encrypted zip archive
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:ZipGenius could encrypt own archives. ZG used four encryption algorithms: CZIP, Blowfish, Twofish, Rijndael (AES).
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Company / developer:

ZipGenius is the absolutely free software for Windows® that lets you compress files to almost any kind of archive. ZipGenius supports more than 20 compressed archive formats, including CD/DVD-ROM image files in ISO9660 standard. This is the file compression suite you were searching for: it is free and easy to use, plus it supports more than 20 formats of compressed archives, including RAR, ARJ, ACE, CAB, SQX, documents and the excellent 7-zip. ZipGenius now can precompress executable files going to be added to a ZIP archive through the UPX compressor.

File Type:CryptoForge encrypted file
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:Encrypted files. CryptoForge provides four strong encryption algorithms: 448-bit Blowfish, 256-bit Rijndael (AES), 168-bit Triple DES, and 256-bit Gost. It also includes powerful compression to strengthen cryptographic security even more.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Ranquel Technologies

CryptoForge is encryption software for personal and professional security. It allows you to protect the privacy of your sensitive files, folders, and email messages by encrypting them with up to four strong cryptographic algorithms. Once the information has been encrypted, it can be stored on insecure media or transmitted on an insecure network (like the Internet), and still remain secret. Later, the information can be decrypted into its original form.

CryptoForge integrates the strongest cryptography available today into the Windows environment. The file encryption module enables you to encrypt, and shred -with the built in file shredder- files of any type, as well as entire folders, from within Windows Explorer or My Computer with right-click ease. The text encryption module includes a secure text editor allows you to create and encrypt documents in a way that they can be sent by any email or messenger software. You can also use the built in SMTP client.

This strong encryption program provides four encryption algorithms: 448-bit Blowfish, 256-bit Rijndael (AES), 168-bit Triple DES, and 256-bit Gost. It also includes powerful compression to strengthen cryptographic security even more.

The command line interface allows quick integration into automated processes and scripts, and lets you perform tasks in both interactive and non-interactive server running modes. Additional features include multiple encryption, filename encryption, cipher speed meter, password cache with timeout, and compression level control.

File Type:Binary-to-ASCII file format
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:Encoding file format similar to .UUE .
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Company / developer:

WinRAR benefits:

Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.

WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.

WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.

When you purchase WinRAR license you are buying a license to the complete technology, no need to purchase add-ons to create self-extracting files, it's all included. One price, one payment, once.

You also receive the benefit of a life-time use of the WinRAR archiver. No upgrade fee to pay. When a new release is made, simply download and install, your license is valid for life.

WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.

WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.

WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.

WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.

Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.

WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

File Type:Bojanov Encryptor encrypted file
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:File extension is used by Bojanov Encryptor.
Open Programs:

Bojanov Encryptor

Company / developer:
  Bojanov Software

Encode & decode files and their names.

File Type:Encrypted BMP file
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:Egis Option Pack for Acer eDataSecurity Management is a suite that includes powerful instant messaging security, securely transmitted e-mail security, and desktop search blocking security.
Open Programs:

Egis Option Pack

Company / developer:
  EgisTec Inc.

Egis Option Pack

No matter whether you are a heavy IM or e-mail user, Egis Option Pack is always your best choice. It is a suite that includes powerful instant messaging security, securely transmitted e-mail security, and desktop search blocking security. With our option pack, you can make sure you're no longer at risk of exposing your important computer communications.


Instant Messenger Security
  • Powerful encryption with AES-256 algorithm for chatting securely with friends, family, and work colleagues.
  • On-demand encryption for your transferred files.
  • Easy to use and fully integrated with IM applications like MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger or Yahoo! Messenger.
  • The recipient doesn't require decryption software to open an encrypted file. Double click on the file, enter the correct password, and the file will automatically decrypt and extract.
Mail Security
  • Supports both webmail and desktop E-mail, such as Windows Hotmail, Windows Live Mail, Yahoo Mail, and Microsoft Windows Mail.
  • On-the-fly encryption or decryption of your text or attachments.
  • Self-decrypting technology which allows the recipient to decrypt without the need for extra tools.
  • Easy to use and fully integrated with Internet Explorer 7 and Windows Mail.
Desktop Search Security
  • Remove and hide your encrypted data from desktop search programs, like Google Desktop Search.
  • Block the caching and indexing activities of desktop search tools to keep your encrypted data secure.
File Type:bcrypt - BlowFish file encryption
Category:Encoded and encrypted file
File Description:Bcrypt is a cross platform file encryption utility.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Johnny Shelley

Encrypted files are portable across all supported operating systems and processors. Passphrases must be between 8 and 56 characters and are hashed internally to a 448 bit key. However, all characters supplied are significant. The stronger your passphrase, the more secure your data.
In addition to encrypting your data, bcrypt will by default overwrite the original input file with random garbage three times before deleting it in order to thwart data recovery attempts by persons who may gain access to your computer.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC